History Of Graphic Novels
The Great Artists

Platinum age
"The period of the late 19th century (the so-called "Platinum Age") was characterized by a gradual introduction of the key elements of the American mass comics."

Frank Miller is the most influential and highest professional still to this day, creating comics, graphic novels, and films. Famous art pieces such as "Batman", "Daredevil", and "The Hard Goodbye". His succession arose with "Batman" as it was one of a kind.
"Published in 1897, The Yellow Kid in McFadden's Flats is considered to be the first comic book, insomuch that it bore the phrase “comic book” on its back cover."
First-Ever "Comic" Book.
Platinum comics were widely created in America, as a from of entertainment in the late 1800s
William Erwin Eisner

Frank Miller
Dr. Seuss
Bill Watterson
List comic artist names:
Charles M. Schulz
Matt Groening